Yen Phong 2C Industrial Park

Đang vận hành

Yen Phong 2C Industrial Park and Urban Area was established under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 856 /TTg-CN dated June 28, 2007 with a total planning area of 1,200 hectares, of which the area of the Industrial Park - for production area is 1,000 ha, urban area is 200 ha. Yen Phong II Industrial Park is divided into 3 functional subdivisions including: Subdivision A located in the west of National Highway 3 (151.27 ha); subdivision B is located between QL.3 and DT.277 (282.67 ha); subdivision C is located to the east of DT.277 (221.06 ha). The subdivisions are arranged with full functions and are connected to each other through external traffic axes and the framework technical infrastructure system of the IP. The administrative, commercial and service buildings are arranged along the provincial roads and the main roads of the industrial park.


  • Đa ngành nghề

Utility Capacity

  • Power Supply 110/22KV

  • Water Supply Capacity 20.000 m3/ngày

  • Power Supply Capacity 2x63 MVA

  • Min Leasing Area 10.000 m2

  • Electricity Fee (Normal Hr) 0,10 $/kW

  • Max Power Charge 0,10 $/kW

  • Wastewater Treatment 17.000 m3/ngày


  • Onetime price (min-max) 160 - 165 USD/m2


Xã Đông Tiến và Xã Tam Giang, Huyện Yên Phong, Bắc Ninh

Demographic at Bac Ninh

  • Total Area 823km2

  • Labor Force 1.129.954

  • Population 1.450.518

  • Average Labor Wage 800 USD/month

  • PCI 10/63

Yen Phong 2C Industrial Park

General Information

  • Fill Rate 60

  • Est./Exp. years 2018/2068

  • Years of leasing 50 years





  • Internal Transportation
  • Main Intenal Roads:2

    Sub Internal Roads:2

  • Green Coverage Ratio
  • 11 %

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