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Long Hau Industrial Park


Long Hau Industrial Park is located in the strategic area prioritized for industrial development "Towards the East Sea" of Ho Chi Minh City, the convenient traffic network with potential from favorable geographical location and traffic system, leasing land for Long Hau Industrial Park is a strategic solution for developing enterprises with the need to build factories near Ho Chi Minh City and neighboring provinces such as Long An… Not only has the advantage of location, Long Hau Industrial Park also has a diverse leasing area, flexible payment methods and complete infrastructure. In addition, Long Hau industrial park is also fully equipped with professional services such as training and recruitment support, specialized health care clinics, accommodation... and many other convenient services to ensure a stable production and business environment for enterprises and a living environment for employees.


Utility Capacity

  • Power Supply 22022kv

  • Water Supply Capacity 10000

  • Power Supply Capacity 37 MVA

  • Min Leasing Area 10.000 m2

  • Electricity Fee (Normal Hr) 0,10 $/kW

  • Max Power Charge 0,10 $/kW

  • Wastewater Treatment 5000


Demographic at Long An

  • Total Area 4.492km2

  • Labor Force 1.374.829

  • Population 1.763.754

  • Average Labor Wage 355 USD/month

  • PCI 3/63

Long Hau Industrial Park

General Information

  • Est./Exp. years 2006/





  • Internal Transportation
  • Main Intenal Roads:2 lanes

    Sub Internal Roads:2 lanes

  • Green Coverage Ratio
  • 10 %

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