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Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park


In 2005, Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee licensed the construction of Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park (Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park) with a total land area of ​​more than 331 hectares in the North of Binh Duong, in Tan Uyen district, Binh Duong province. As of 2021, Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park and Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park expanded phase 1 have been 100% completed and basically occupied.The economic growth rate of Tan Uyen has always maintained at double digits in recent years, attracting FDI by 2020 has reached nearly 4 billion USD. In the local economic structure, the proportion of industry has accounted for more than 70%, while trade - service accounts for about 27%. The value of industrial production increased by 12% per year on average, the total retail sales of goods and service revenue increased by over 18% per year.The population of Tan Uyen is about 300,000 people. The target of per capita income in Tan Uyen is 1.56 times higher than that of the whole country.


Utility Capacity

  • Power Supply 110/22kV

  • Water Supply Capacity 17000

  • Power Supply Capacity 126 MVA

  • Min Leasing Area 10.000 m2

  • Electricity Fee (Normal Hr) 0,10 $/kW

  • Max Power Charge 0,10 $/kW

  • Wastewater Treatment 8000


Demographic at Binh Duong

  • Total Area 2.695km2

  • Labor Force 1.200.000

  • Population 2.456.000

  • Average Labor Wage 290 USD/month

  • PCI 4/63

Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park

General Information

  • Est./Exp. years 2006/




  • Internal Transportation
  • Main Intenal Roads:4 lanes

    Sub Internal Roads:2 lanes

  • Green Coverage Ratio
  • 14.57 %