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Binh Duong Industrial Park


Binh Duong Industrial Park was established in August 1994. Accordingly, the IP has a total area of ​​17 hectares, in which:Land for construction of industrial plants: 14,081 hectares, reaching the rate of 85.34%.Concentrated green land: 0.718 hectares, reaching the rate of 4.35%Land for traffic: 1,701 hectares, reaching the rate of 10.31%With a policy of favoring investors, the IP currently attracts enterprises in many fields and industries. Typically: processing and assembling electronic components, apparel, packaging production, etc.Compared to other industrial zones in Binh Duong, Binh Duong has the smallest area. However, after 27 years of development, the project has contributed significantly to the industrial economy of the province, bringing the province's total industrial production value up by 10.48 percent, the average trade and service value increased by 40.12%.With its great contributions, Binh Duong Industrial Park has been promoting the region's socio-economic development and becoming one of the production zones creating jobs for thousands of workers.


Utility Capacity

  • Power Supply 110/22kV

  • Water Supply Capacity 2000

  • Power Supply Capacity 25 MVA

  • Min Leasing Area 10.000 m2

  • Electricity Fee (Normal Hr) 0,10 $/kW

  • Max Power Charge 0,10 $/kW

  • Wastewater Treatment 1200


Demographic at Binh Duong

  • Total Area 2.695km2

  • Labor Force 1.200.000

  • Population 2.456.000

  • Average Labor Wage 290 USD/month

  • PCI 4/63

Binh Duong Industrial Park

General Information

  • Est./Exp. years 1997/




  • Internal Transportation
  • Main Intenal Roads:6 lanes

    Sub Internal Roads:2 lanes

  • Green Coverage Ratio
  • 4.35 %