Tan Phu Trung Industrial Park

Đang vận hành

The industrial zone borders Tay Ninh province to the North, Binh Duong province to the East, Long An province to the West and Hoc Mon district to the South, belonging to the planning area of the Northwest Urban Area of Ho Chi Minh City, with an area of 6,000 hectares, including ecological urban area, international university village, golf course, hospital... The traffic to the industrial park is very convenient: National Highway 22 is the road in the Trans-Asia Road Project between Ho Chi Minh City and Cambodia; National Highway 1A is the leading and most important traffic route in Vietnam, passing through the center of half of Vietnam's provinces and cities, connecting 4 major cities of Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. Can Tho and provincial road 8 connect the key economic triangle region of Long An, Binh Duong and Ho Chi Minh City. With a total area of 590 ha, the industrial zone is synchronously and modernly planned, of which 359 ha is industrial land. ready to meet the demand for investors to lease land to build factories and 48 hectares for housing for experts and workers, associated with medical services, banks... Large and clean land fund as well as good geological conditions for investors to have a wide choice of areas suitable for business goals, and at the same time reduce costs in construction investment. The industrial zone invites investment in industries such as mechanics, machinery manufacturing; electronics, information technology; pharmaceutical chemicals, herbs, cosmetics; processing food-food concentrates and preserving after processing; production of high-grade lightweight building materials, high-grade interior decoration; light industry; beverage production; biotechnology; service industries; industries with advanced non-polluting technology. Abundant and qualified labor resources in Cu Chi as well as neighboring areas are always ready to meet the labor demand for enterprises investing in industrial zones.


  • Điện & điện tử, công nghệ thông tin, thiết bị y tế, cơ khí, hóa dược, lương thực thực phẩm, các ngành nghề khác không gây ô nhiễm môi trường.

Utility Capacity

  • Power Supply 220/110/22

  • Water Supply Capacity Nhà máy nước sạch của Khu công nghiệp với công suất 3.000 m3/ ngày đêm

  • Power Supply Capacity 3x63 MVA

  • Min Leasing Area 10.000 m2

  • Electricity Fee (Normal Hr) 0,03 $/kW

  • Normal Power Charge 0,05 $/kW

  • Max Power Charge 0,10 $/kW

  • Wastewater Treatment Tổng công suất xử lý nước thải của Nhà máy giai đoạn 1 là 4.000 m3/ngày đêm.


  • Onetime price (min-max) 90 - 100 USD/m2


Quốc lộ 22, xã Tân Phú Trung, Huyện Củ Chi, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Demographic at Hồ Chí Minh

  • Total Area 2.061km2

  • Labor Force 4.725.000

  • Population 9.000.000

  • Average Labor Wage 850 USD/month

  • PCI 14/63

Tan Phu Trung Industrial Park

General Information

  • Est./Exp. years 2003/2053

  • Years of leasing 50 years




  • Internal Transportation
  • Main Intenal Roads:4

    Sub Internal Roads:2

  • Green Coverage Ratio
  • 10 %

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